Work permits and visas

In relation to employment, foreign nationals and Macedonian citizens have equal rights in the workplace. While working in Macedonia, foreign employees are guaranteed the same labor rights as Macedonian citizens. Foreign residents can easily establish employment in the Republic of Macedonia, after getting an appropriate visa or permit from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, i.e. Diplomatic-consular offices abroad.

Three types of work permits are available: personal work permit, employment work permit and work permit for exercising work without employment in the country. The choice of any particular work permit is dependent upon the nature and duration of the work to be undertaken in Macedonia. The permit is issued by the Employment Agency of Macedonia and the procedure is conducted through the Macedonian Embassy in the resident/domicile country of the foreign applicant. Although under the latest regulatory changes the procedure for issuance of work permits could be conducted through the Macedonian Employment Agency as well, such option is still not available in practice until relevant by-laws which would further regulate that procedure are adopted.

The Law on Employment and Work of Foreigners regulates the employment of foreign individuals in Macedonia.


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