
The Macedonian educational system makes mandatory elementary and high school education as well as English language education starting in the first grade of elementary school. In addition to standard high schools, many vocational high schools in each city enable students to learn various trades. There are five public and numerous private internationally recognized universities and colleges. Both, vocational schools and universities offer tailor-made training programs in an effort to meet the specific needs of companies investing in Macedonia. In the past several years, Macedonia on average spends 6% of its GDP on education, a percentage higher than the corresponding one in most of the OECD countries.

Macedonia has a great academic potential, including one public university, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius“, with more than 50.000 students, every year, enrolled in 49 faculties, and four private universities with 10.000 students. Several of these faculties are placed on the territory of Gazi Baba: faculty of natural sciences and mathematics, Faculty for agricultural sciences and food, Faculty of forestry, and the private universities FON and Goce Delcev.

Every year approximately 80% of high school graduates are enrolled in universities, and there was a 35% increase in the total number of undergraduate degrees in the past several years. With 45% of the population under 30 years of age, Macedonia offers a young, educated, and skilled workforce.

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