Macedonia is characterized with a highly educated workforce: already over 65.000 students enrolled in undergraduate courses – about 77% enrolled in a public and private universities in Skopje, 94.000 students enrolled in secondary education – 30% located in Skopje and around 198.000 pupils in primary schools – 27% located in Skopje.
The level of formal education attained by young people and adults remains an important factor for employability and reducing unemployment.
In the capital city of Skopje, where territorially and legally belong municipality of Gazi Baba, there is one public university “St Cyril and Methody “ with around 50.000 students enrolled in higher education, as well as private universities and faculties as well as vocational courses and professional studies – UACS, FON, European University, Faculty of Tourism , SEEU, Business Academy - Smilevski, Faculty for Buisness Economics, Balkan University, all together around 15.000 students (се со линкови за овие факултети).
Beside the economic crisis, the government of Republic of Macedonia with its economic policies and measures have succeed to decline the unemployment rate in a last seventh years from 38% to 28,8% (source: State statistical office of the Republic of Macedonia 2014) as a result of improved business and investment climate as well as better education policies. For example, primary and secondary education are mandatory, almost 80% of high school graduates are enrolled in universities and on the national level we have 35% increasing rate of the undergraduate degrees in a last few years.
Macedonia on average spends 6% of its GDP on education, a percentage higher than a corresponding one in a most of the OECD countries.
Adult participation in lifelong learning is an important factor in improving employability and foreign investors seeking a country for their brownfield or greenfield projects can count on government-sponsored schemes for the development of skills for their operations. The authorized government Agency for that purposes are Agency for employment
In 2012, in Republic of Macedonia of totally 650 554 employed, 23,6% persons worked in industrial manufacturing sector, 17,3% in agriculture, forestry and fishing sector, 14,3% in trade sector, 6,3% in construction sector and 38,6% in the service sector.(Source: “State Statistical office of Republic of Macedonia”)
Average gross monthly salary in January 2014 in the Republic of Macedonia is 508,00 Euros. This amount includes the net salary, personal income tax and social contributions for pension and disability insurance, health insurance and employment insurance. The minimum salary for each professional branch is defined by Collective agreements.
Macedonia’s economy classified as “efficiency - driven” in The Global Competitiveness Report 2013-2014, the manufacturing sector and services account for around 25,4% and 52,5% of value-added as a share (%) of GDP respectively (Source: State Statistical Office – 2011).
Source: State statistical office – 2012/2013,
Attracting and retaining the best people is vital for the success of businesses and the companies which invest in human resources in downturns are well-placed to gain competitive advantage. People in Macedonia, especially people in the region of Skopje have at least basic computer skills and speak one or more foreign languages. English is taught at school as a first language, while German and French are taught more intensively in a last few years in primary and lower secondary schools.
Macedonian government in the past few years significantly reduced social security contributions. Further reductions are planned and their implementation depending on the general economic conditions in the country. More information about this issue you can get at - Public Revenue Office of the Republic of Macedonia.
The recently enacted new Labor Law, prepared in accordance with the EU standards, provides increased flexibility of the labor market by offering and promoting flexible and different employment contracts and flexibility of working time. Also, reforms in this sphere have introduced training programs, support for entrepreneurs, as well as improvement of the overall business climate.
Collective agreements, concluded on the country level, regulate employment rights, and obligations and responsibilities of the employees and employers. The leading trade union organization of the employees concludes a general collective agreement.
The Law on Establishment of Employment Relations with Foreign Persons regulates the employment of foreign persons in Macedonia. According to the provisions of the Law, foreign persons, or persons without nationality, can be employed in Macedonia upon obtaining a work permit. The Employment Agency of the Republic of Macedonia issues the work permit upon an employer’s request.