Investors wishing to build a customer network in municipality of Gazi Baba as a east gate of the city of Skopje, located in same center of the Balkan peninsula and in a  crossroad of the Pan- European corridors 10 and 8, with a excellent connection to the regional markets, can benefit from located their business in our municipality known by its supportive environment with pro-business infrastructure and technically – savvy workforce.
In addition, we show you the structure of the Macedonian export by economic group of countries in 2013: 

The most of the companies located in the municipality of Gazi Baba are export oriented, mainly in a EU countries and countries of the western Balkans, and investors from EU countries dominated inward FDI.

The most of the companies located in the municipality of Gazi Baba are export oriIdeally situated to serve Europe’s north and south, as well as west and east, municipality of Gazi Baba - Skopje does not only have excellent communication and transport infrastructure, high-quality services, functioning public administration, huge and export oriented business community with long business and personal links in the Western Balkans. It is the right place to forge partnerships for conquests of emerging markets and developing markets with rising internal demand. Goods are moved quickly and reliable, clearance procedures are efficient and once goods enter Macedonia via road, rail, air or sea, they are at the doorstep of the EU market with 650 million consumers in Europe.
According to the “Doing Business 2014”, 10 economies improved the most in the ease of doing business after implementing regulatory reforms in 2012/13 and Macedonia is among them. Its overall  25th place (out of 189 economies) makes it a business-friendly country particularly in terms of starting a business, getting a credit and protecting investors. Add language skills, knowledge of culture and personal connections, and business partners from Skopje region and Macedonia become a key to doing business across the Balkan region and SEE.
nted, mainly in a EU countries and countries of the western Balkans, and investors from EU countries dominated inward FDI.

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