This sector in our municipality historically has a strong research, development and manufacturing base in organic synthesis, as well as in production of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics. botanicals and chemicals. Main representative of this industry in our municipality is corporation Alkaloid – . Its manufacture of pharmaceutical products, cosmetics, botanicals and chemicals  constitute a significant part of the industry sector. Production of pharmaceutical products is a large segment represented by approximately 8 companies in a country.

The main export products of the Macedonian chemical industry are basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations comprising 65% of the overall export volume of the industry followed by chemicals and chemical products  (25%) and rubber and plastic products (10%).

The main export markets are mostly Germany, then Balkan and SEE neighbors Serbia, Kosovo, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia as well as Russia and Great Britain .

Macedonia has been traditionally successful in establishing a solid scientific base that is necessary for the sector development going forward.
Institute of Chemistry (inorganic, organic, biochemistry, analytical chemistry, and physical chemistry) within the Faculty of Natural – Mathematic Sciences, Pharmaceutical Faculty with the Institute of Pharmaceutical chemistry,  The Institute of Applied chemistry and pharmaceutical analysis, The Institute of Pharmacognosy,  The Institute of Pharmaceutical technology, The Institute of Applied Biochemistry, as well as the Center for pharmaceuticals research and control, the Center for Continuing education, the Center for bio-molecular pharmaceutical analysis, the Center for control poising, the Center for natural products, the Center for pharmaceutical nanotechnology and the National Center for  giving information on pharmaceuticals.
The leading cooperation organization in the sector is the Macedonian Chamber of Pharmacy -