Forest of Gazi Baba
The forest of Gazi Baba, is a special phenomenon because it’s very rare, such a large area under forest in the middle of an urban environment. Because of its great importance, the City of Skopje made a decision, the forest of Gazi Baba, to be protected as a "distinctive landscape."
The total area of the characteristic landscape Gazi Baba is 102,44 hectares. Various species of trees and shrubs can be found here, and most common black pine, ash, oak and others. The significance of this forest expressed in concrete figures annually as follows:
• binds 1323.6 tons carbon dioxide;
• 970.64 tons releases oxygen;
• 5294 tons of dust filter;
• Absorb 8,824 pounds of sulfur dioxide and air shutter as carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides;
The forest is close to the city center and its basic sanitary and hygienic function is complemented by cultural and educational and tourist-recreational function.
Village of Rashtak
Village of Rashtak is located 11 km northeast of Skopje. It is part of Skopska Crna Gora. It is located at the foot of the mountain Rashtavska, between the villages of Luboten Bulachani northwestern and eastern side, along the river Rashtevska at its exit from the mountainous part.
It was named after the plant that grew in the region (hrastova- oak forest). Upon arrival of the first settlers, this place was covered with dense oak forest.
The area of the village is 9 kilometers and 600 meters long and 2 kilometers wide. It has 1219 hectares of which 831 are arable and 377 are forest and pastures. Most common trees in this area are: beech, oak, rarely elm, wild pear, chestnut, and grasses suitable for growing all kinds of livestock.
It is a great place to take a walk and relax along the river Rashtevska, surrounded by deep forest and fresh air.
Rastak has the richest folklore art in the region of Skopje and the Skopje area.
The development of folklore was conducted a traditional way. All the folklore heritage, spiritual culture, folk dances and songs are transferred from generation to generation till today.