Logistic Industry

In terms of logistics, Macedonia is one of the best locations to establish a business in South Eastern Europe. Skopje itself is located in the middle of the region, which provides optimal distances to all markets around – excellent for east – west and north – south trade.

Skopje has air connections with 30 cities, railway connections with Pan – European corridors 10 and 8, as well as bus routes connecting it with more than 30 European cities.

Skopje is an important transport hub with highly developed infrastructure not only on the local but also international scale. Its location at the point of intersection of international railways and motorways, as well as the international airport and neighborhood seaports, Thessaloniki in Greece, Burgos in Bulgaria, Drach in Albania and Bar in Montenegro, are very significant factors that determine the economic competitiveness of the city especially in the international context.

Within the municipality of Gazi Baba – Skopje there are many logistic companies (domestic as well as foreign companies )  in the areas of international transport and shipping with huge tradition and business reputation, massive warehouses and distributive centers, ready to respond immediately to any your business and logistic need.  

Skopje Alexander the Great Airport (TAV Airports Skopje)

Skopje airport is the newest international airport in the region with the capacity of four million pasengers in the Balkan’s region and very important air traffic hub within the region providing regular passenger, cargo and mail transportation to the European and world-wide destinations.


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