Industrial Zone Northern Ring Road

Location nameIndustrial Zone Northern RING ROAD
Zone area284,5 ha
Distance from Skopje city center10 km
Distance from the Skopje train station10 km
Manufacturing, distribution, services 148.83 ha
Commercial and business functions42.87 ha
Airport distance10 km
Protective Greenery42.29 ha
Communal Infrastructure and Supra structure50,56 ha
Offices - Prices (euro/sq.m.)1000
Offices - Rent (euro/sq,m./yr.)108
Retail - Prices (euro/sq.m.)1200
Retail - Rent (euro/sq,m./yr.)120
Industrial buildings - Prices (euro/sq.m.)N/A
Industrial buildings - Rent (euro/sq,m./yr.)N/A